Pesquisadora: Liviany Moura (França - GRENOBLE )
Orientador: Thomaz Abdalla (UFAM/FEFF)

The number of children with difficulties for acquiring written language tends to grow year after year, due to factors such as technology advances and the amount of hours that the parents work. Such difficulties are more frequent because of children sedentariness. This study had the objective to gather information regarding the visual motor and fine motor developments, as well as the development of written language. A bibliographic research was made utilizing the deductive method through the technique of indirect documentation. The discoveries of this study pointed that the difficulties in acquiring written language are directly related to the children’s lack of psychomotor activities nowadays. This fact happens for several reasons that will be presented in this work. Psycomotricity and Phonoaudiology have several works to accomplish with children that carry learning difficulties related to written language. Treatments should be individually based in specific problems according to each child’s needs. Both Psychomotricity and Phonoaudiology have the role to make the population aware of such writing disturbs and how to deal with them. It can be concluded that it is necessary the awareness of possible damages that modern life can bring to written language. The conclusion also points out that a preventive work would help, at least, to lower the number of children with limitations in written language, thus providing them a better quality of life.

Key-words: Psychomotricity – Phonoaudiology – Fine motor – Oculo-manual coordination – Written language.


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